Cícer z Toskánska
Vyznačujú sa intenzívnou chuťou a jemnou a krémovou konzistenciou.
Na prílohy, šaláty, polievky a krémy.
Namočte na 12 hodín.
Varíme asi 2 hodiny (v tlakovom hrnci asi 20/25 minút od zapískania). Ku koncu varenia pridajte soľ.
Váha: 500g
They are distinguished by an intense taste and a soft and creamy consistency.
For side dishes, salads, soups and creams.
Soak for 12 hours.
Cook for about 2 hours (in a pressure cooker about 20/25 minutes from the moment of the whistle). Add salt towards the end of cooking.
Weight: 500g
Vyznačujú sa intenzívnou chuťou a jemnou a krémovou konzistenciou.
Na prílohy, šaláty, polievky a krémy.
Namočte na 12 hodín.
Varíme asi 2 hodiny (v tlakovom hrnci asi 20/25 minút od zapískania). Ku koncu varenia pridajte soľ.
Váha: 500g
They are distinguished by an intense taste and a soft and creamy consistency.
For side dishes, salads, soups and creams.
Soak for 12 hours.
Cook for about 2 hours (in a pressure cooker about 20/25 minutes from the moment of the whistle). Add salt towards the end of cooking.
Weight: 500g
Vyznačujú sa intenzívnou chuťou a jemnou a krémovou konzistenciou.
Na prílohy, šaláty, polievky a krémy.
Namočte na 12 hodín.
Varíme asi 2 hodiny (v tlakovom hrnci asi 20/25 minút od zapískania). Ku koncu varenia pridajte soľ.
Váha: 500g
They are distinguished by an intense taste and a soft and creamy consistency.
For side dishes, salads, soups and creams.
Soak for 12 hours.
Cook for about 2 hours (in a pressure cooker about 20/25 minutes from the moment of the whistle). Add salt towards the end of cooking.
Weight: 500g